School Counselors Vital to Students Wellbeing and Success

2024-05-16T14:05:16-04:00February 5th, 2024|Family & Youth|

Feb. 5 celebrates school counselors for the important role they play in the lives and wellbeing of children during their school years. School counselors can be found in every school in Philadelphia. But some people don’t understand the important work they do and the role they play in the lives of students. We’ve answered some common questions about school counselors below. What do school counselors do? School counselors provide guidance and counseling to help students navigate personal challenges, academic difficulties, and career planning. They help reduce bullying in schools, help [...]

How to Keep Your New Year Resolutions for Better Fitness, Healthy Eating, and Mental Health in 2024

2024-01-03T09:35:55-05:00January 3rd, 2024|Holidays, Self-Help|

Fitness and good food are important for your mental health. Research suggests that exercise helps lower anxiety and improve mood. And we know foods impact the way we feel. New Year resolutions are an opportunity to set fitness, nutrition, and mental health goals for 2024. But the reality is many of us fall short of our goals by Jan. 3.  As a trainer, I want to share simple tips that will help you stick to your resolutions for better mental health, diet, and fitness. Let me tell you about my [...]

Managing Trauma Triggers During the Holiday Season

2023-12-15T08:24:21-05:00December 18th, 2023|Holidays|

The holidays can be very stressful for people coping with traumatic experiences. Some people with a history of traumatic experiences may feel overwhelmed and dysregulated when confronted with intense emotions around the holiday time. Others may feel numb and have a hard time feeling connected. Fortunately, we can take steps to cope with trauma. When we make connections between experiences and memories that create traumatic responses, we can better recognize and prepare ourselves for potential trauma triggers. Here is a three-step approach to mitigate the impact of trauma on your [...]

How Social Media Trends Can Lead to Self-Criticism

2024-05-16T14:06:33-04:00December 15th, 2023|Family & Youth|

How Social Media Trends Can Lead to Self-Criticism  Social media has made connection easier. However, it also has had negative impacts on users’ mental and physical health.  I was a teenager when Facebook came out. I saw the beginning of overconnectivity. In middle school, my friends and I made accounts. We only posted our best pictures. We wrote our diary-like statuses. We gave our opinions. The likes we got were validating, innocently. As I got older, Instagram was the new thing. Users scrolled pictures endlessly. Likes felt even more important [...]

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