Hunger/Food Access Resources
If you, a family member or someone you know is interested in learning about access to food, resources are available:
Food for families by City Council District
You can use the City’s free food locator to find free food and meals. The locator is available in six languages and you can search by address.
The Fresh for All Program is a quick and easy way to get quality produce to those who need it most. There is no cost to individuals registered with the program. No one is turned away.
Contact Philabundance: 215-339-0900
Email Philabundance
Philadelphia Corporation for the Aging (PCA)
Services for Older Philadelphians and their caregivers, including home delivered meals, senior community centers, and meal sites.
PCA Main: 215-765-9000
PCA’s Help Line: 215-765-9040
Kids Programs
There are over 1,000 sites in Philadelphia that serve free summer meals and snacks to youth ages 18 and under, as well as students 19 and older enrolled in a qualifying school program. These sites may be found at recreation centers, parks, churches, or even on your neighborhood block. No ID or registration is required!
Call the toll-free Summer Meals Hotline: 1-855-252-MEAL
Text “FOOD” or “MEALPA” to 877-877
Greater Philadelphia Coalition Against Hunger
The Coalition connects people with food assistance programs and nutrition education; provides resources to a network of food pantries; and educates the public and policymakers about responsible solutions that prevent people from going hungry.
Phone: 215-430-0555
Address: 123 Chestnut St., Suite 401 Philadelphia, PA 19106
Share Food Program
Share Food Program leads the fight against food insecurity in the Philadelphia region, by serving an expansive, quality partner network of community-based organizations and school districts engaged in food distribution, education and advocacy.
Phone Number: 215-223-2220
Address: 2901 W. Hunting Park Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19129
The Senior Food Box Program
The Senior Food Box Program works to improve the health of low-income seniors by supplementing their diets with nutritious USDA Foods.
Phone Number: 800-468-2433
Food and Wellness Netwark (FAWN)
Food pantry District 6 (Frankford)
Metropolitan Area Neighborhood Nutrition Alliance (MANNA)
Uses nutrition to improve the health of seriously ill
Mighty Writers
Teaching youth to write with clarity while making sure they are fed