Quit Smoking Resources

If you, a family member, or someone you know is interested in smoking cessation resources and information, you can find helpful links here.

Coverage Resources for Quit Smoking Services
Many insurance plans cover smoking cessation support.

Philadelphia Department of Public Health
The Department of Public Health (DPH) works with community-based organizations, health care providers, civic leaders, private employers, and schools and universities to address tobacco use. Key strategies include policy development, education and evaluation. Free Nicotine Replacement Therapy, Patches, Gum and Lozenges are available.

PA Free Quitline1-800-QUIT-NOW
Para Español: 1-855-DEJELO-YA

The EX Plan is based on scientific research and practical advice from ex-smokers. It isn’t just about quitting smoking. It’s about “re-learning life without cigarettes.”

The Pennsylvania Department of Health has created a program to assist people who want to stop smoking. Quitting tobacco is a process. Whether you are thinking about quitting, are not yet ready to quit, or have already quit, PA Free Quitline can help you with each step of the way.

Smokefree Text Messaging Programs
Made available through the National Institutes of Health, Smokefree.gov offers free text messaging programs that give 24/7 encouragement, advice, and tips for becoming smoke-free and being healthier. Connect through live chat, texting & español disponible. Sign up below:

Text2quit is a program to help people quit smoking and stay quit. It includes text messages, emails, and access to a personal web portal. Once you sign up, the text messages can be used on their own. Or you can use all three components for the most support.  Please review the Frequently Asked Question page for more information.
Text “QUIT” to I-QUIT (47848)

Nicotine Anonymous World Service
Nicotine Anonymous (“NicA”) is a non-profit 12-step fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. Visit the website for live chat and online group meetings.