Smoking Cessation Insurance Coverage

Your health insurance can help you quit! If you’re thinking about quitting smoking, your health insurance plan can help. Through the Affordable Care Act many public and private plans are required to cover FDA-approved quit-smoking medications.

Call 860-273-0123. Ask for “Quit Tobacco Program.”

How many quit attempts per year?
No annual limit on quit attempts per year.

What quit smoking medication is covered?
Nicotine gum and patches,*Chantix and ** Zyban. Over The Counter (OTC) medications prescribed by a health care provider and filled at participating pharmacy.

What are the cost-sharing requirements for medications?
None, for in-network pharmacy.

Need prescription for medication?

Call 800-791-2067

How many quit attempts per year?
No annual limit on quit attempts per year.

What quit smoking medication is covered?
Nicotine gum, patch, lozenges, inhaler, nasal spray,Chantix and Zyban

What are the cost-sharing requirements for medications?
No cost-sharing for medications in UH pharmacy plan. Two 90-day courses of treatment for OTC and prescription medication permitted per year.

Need prescription for medication?

Are quit smoking counseling services available?
Yes, in your primary care setting. Web-based smoking cessation program available under “health and wellness”.​

Call 1-800-275-2583.

Ask about theHealthy Lifestyles Tobacco Cessation Incentive Program. Reimbursable up to $200.00 upon completion of an approved program.Medication, including OTC may be available at no cost.

How many quit attempts per year?
No annual limit on quit attempts per year.

What quit smoking medication is covered?
Nicotineinhaler, nasal spray,Chantix and Zyban

What are the cost-sharing requirements for medications?
None, when enrolled in Tobacco Cessation Incentive program

Need prescription for medication?
Yes, from in-network doctor

Are quit smoking counseling services available?
Yes, only for individual counseling.

How many quit attempts per year?
No limits on quit attempts per year.

What quit smoking medication is covered?
Nicotine patches, gum, lozenges, inhaler, Chantix and Zyban

What are the cost-sharing requirements for medications?
Co-payments of $0 – $3.00

Need prescription for medication?

Are quit smoking counseling services available?
Yes- individual & group counseling

Call 1-800- 633-42273

How many quit attempts per year?
Two quit attempts per year.

What quit smoking medication is covered?
Prescription medications covered under “Part D” Chantix and Zyban.
OTC products are not covered

What are the cost-sharing requirements for medications?

Need prescription for medication?

Are quit smoking counseling services available?
Yes- 8 face-to-face counseling sessions per year

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