Virtual Recovery Meetings Online

When you can’t make it to an in-person meeting, check out these resources for virtual and phone recovery meetings.

Alcoholics Anonymous Online Intergroup
Meetings are available via email, over text message, video chats, discussion forums, and over the phone.

Alcoholics Anonymous Phone Meetings
Browse by day of the week and dial in for an AA meeting over the phone.

Unity Recovery – Digital Recovery Meetings
Meetings for those in recovery and meetings for family members of those in recovery.

AA Chats
Exists to encourage and support anyone who wants to stop drinking, and to create an online space where the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous can connect.

Narcotics Anonymous Online Meetings
Available online and over the phone

Al-Anon Family Online Meetings
Online and phone groups for family members affected by a loved one’s alcoholism

If you feel you need immediate support, help is available:

Connections: A Smartphone App to Help with Recovery

To help support individuals in recovery from substance use disorder, Addiction Policy Forum has partnered with CHESS Health to launch Connections, a free smartphone app that supports your recovery by reducing relapse and promoting pro-social engagement.

Track your sobriety, journal, connect with trained counselors, learn recovery skills and much more. Find out how it works.