On National Depression Screening Day 2016 (10/6/16), we conducted 256 screenings across 9 locations throughout the city.
You keep tabs on your blood pressure, weight, and cholesterol. Why not your emotional well-being? We all could use a check-up from the neck up! That’s why we bring mental health screenings to the community.
We believe in a healthy Philadelphia for everyone. EVERYONE! That means maintaining all types of health—including mental health. And we believe that the best way to promote healthy minds is to encourage all Philadelphians to check in with their feelings from time to time.
Acclaimed as Philly Happening’s “Most Happening Outdoor Event” in the annual Happening List competition, National Depression Screening Day (NDSD) seeks to educate, raise awareness, reduce stigma, and connect Philadelphians with mental health screenings and resources.
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