Free Mental Health Training
for College Faculty, Staff, and Families
Support a mentally healthy campus and community.
Mental illnesses and substance use challenges often present during young adulthood, when many individuals are students at colleges and universities. College and university faculty, staff, families and students can learn how to help one another within the context of their respective campus culture and available resources.
Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) offers two primary curricula: Adult and Youth. Professors, adjuncts, and college faculty can take MHFA for Adults to better understand colleagues and students, while the student body can take Youth MHFA in order to better support one another.
In addition to the two main curricula, MHFA offers a tailored supplement which builds upon the effectiveness of the standard MHFA curriculum by focusing on higher education settings. This supplement is intended to blend with the existing 8-hour adult / “core” MHFA course and is not appropriate for use with the Youth MHFA curriculum.
Many times, college is the first time an individual will experience total independence. The stressors and challenges that present themselves in this environment can challenge even the healthies student. By offering MHFA in college settings, the students and faculty learn how to manage stressors, including both social and academic pressures, which – left untreated – can lead to stress, anxiety, panic attacks, and in extreme cases, completion of suicide. It is beneficial to college and university settings to have MHFA implemented, as it will support a mentally healthy campus and community.