NAMI Philly “Tackles Trauma” – Wellness Strategies to Help you Succeed (Free Webinar)
March 21, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
| FreePART 1 | 03/21 Wellness Strategies to Help you Succeed
Prepare to be inspired and empowered with NAMI Philly addressing Trauma. Join in meaningful conversations, exchange ideas, and learn strategies to enhance your well-being. Featuring influential speakers, engaging wellness activities, and networking opportunities, this event series is a must-attend!
Excitingly, there is no registration fee for this event. Due to limited seating, we recommend securing your spot promptly on EventBrite. Check back with us for more information as the dates come near.
Registration and Login Information
3/21 EventBrite link:
03/21 Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89032380478
Meeting ID: 890 3238 0478
Tune in next week for Part 2 | 03/28 How To Use Skill Building To Develop Resilience. Register today.
3/28 EventBrite link:
Please only submit your event once.