Education Resources

If you, a friend, a family member, or someone you know is currently supporting a student, resources are available:

The Jed Foundation’s mission is to protect emotional health and prevent suicide among college and university students. They work to promote awareness and understanding, increase knowledge, foster help-seeking, build and strengthen resilience, facilitate adoption, and raise the importance of mental health services.

If you have a child in college, your influence is important during the college years and the transition into adulthood.
The Jed Foundation’s programs give you the information and perspective you need to recognize the signs of a potential mental health problem and help your child find the proper support and treatment. Learn more.

Our programs for students reach thousands of colleges across the country – online, on television and on campus.
It’s important that every student understands the importance of looking out for their mental health and supporting friends who may be struggling. Learn more.
Address: 6 East 39th Street, Suite 1204 New York, NY 10016
Telephone: 212-647-7544

ULifeline is a comprehensive, confidential, online resource center where you can feel comfortable searching for the information you need and want regarding mental and emotional health.
Text: “START” to 741-741
Call: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Select A School: Select your college/university to see what counsel your college/university offers.
Help A Friend: Worried about a friend? ULifeline provides signs and symptoms to watch out for.

The Graduation Coach
The Graduation Coach Campaign seeks to increase high school graduation rates and post-secondary educational attainment in Philadelphia. If you, a family member, or someone you know is supporting a student through high school and on to college and successful careers, contact the Philadelphia Graduation Coach Campaign.
Phone: 215-686-2176

Affordable Colleges Online
With the advances of adaptive technologies and trend toward progressive legislation, prospective college students with disabilities now have countless resources available to make their transition to postsecondary education less stressful. Below, find specific information and resources on a variety of different disabilities, learn how to make the transition into the workforce easier, and find out what your legal rights on campus are.