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A Journey to Well-being through Gardening

Daniel, a passionate gardener, knows about the healing power of gardening for the body and the soul. He started gardening when his kids were born. “[My wife] was big on making sure the kids ate healthy,” he said. He did not know at first that he was so good at it, but soon it became clear that Daniel had a green thumb. “I failed a few times. It was frustrating because I [...]

January 17th, 2025|Mental Health, Self-Help|

Meditation Tips for Beginners

Meditation involves training the mind to focus and redirect thoughts. It can help with negative thoughts by redirecting or quieting them. Meditation is often used to cultivate mindfulness, awareness, and an overall sense of calm and well-being. Through regular practice, meditation can reduce stress, improve concentration, promote emotional health, and enhance self-awareness. Types of Meditation Transcendental meditation involves silently repeating an affirmation or mantra. Transcendental meditation mantras are always personal statements, such [...]

January 10th, 2025|Self-Help|

The Art and Benefits of Nature Journaling

Nature journaling is a timeless practice that offers a deep connection with the natural world. What is a nature journal? At its core, a nature journal is a personal notebook where you record your observations about nature through sketches and notes. Imagine it as a mix between a diary and a sketchbook, where you capture the beauty and details of the natural world around you. You can also write about your thoughts [...]

July 16th, 2024|Anxiety, Depression, Mental Health, Self-Help, Stress|

Children Who Self-harm: A Guide for Parents

Many children and teens self-harm. Most start in their early teen years, but some start earlier.  What counts as self-harm? Self-harm is when a child hurts their body on purpose. Cutting or burning the skin are common forms of self-harm. Self-harm is more common among girls than boys.  Most children who self-harm are trying to cope with overwhelming emotions and stressors. Some self-harm to stop intrusive thoughts. Helping your child cope and [...]

February 26th, 2024|Family & Youth, Self-Harm|

I cannot stop cutting myself. Please, help me understand why!

Cutting, burning, scratching, hitting, or biting oneself is often called “self-harm.” Self-harm refers to the deliberate act of causing physical harm to oneself. It is typically done to cope with emotional pain, distress, or overwhelming feelings. For example, a teenager feels very upset after an argument with their mom because they got a bad school report – or because they are dating and their families do not approve.  Feelings of distress can [...]

February 19th, 2024|Awareness, Mental Health, Self-Harm|

Are ‘soul ties’ codependent relationships?

While love is wonderful for our well-being, not all relationships are healthy. ‘Soul ties’ refers to an intense connection between two people who share a lot in common, such as beliefs, hopes, and tastes. Unfortunately, not all soul ties are positive. Some soul ties lead people to stay in unhealthy or even destructive relationships that can hurt their mental health. How can that happen? The beginning of a romantic relationship activates what [...]

February 14th, 2024|Addiction & Recovery|
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