Boost Your Mood:
Numbers to Know, Places to Go

The City of Philadelphia’s Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services offers resources, services, and advocacy through a strong partnership with a network of healthcare providers to help people, whether they are uninsured or under-insured, lead a fulfilling life in a supportive community free of stigma.

Phone Numbers

Emergency Hotlines Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
Mental Health Crisis and Suicide Lifeline 988 or 215-685-6440
Child Protective Services 215-683-6100
Adult Protective Services 877-401-8835
Domestic Violence Hotline 866-723-3014
Homeless Outreach Hotline 215-232-1984

Intellectual disAbility Services
Main office 215-685-5900
Emergency line 215-829-5709

Substance Use Treatment
Community Behavioral Health* 888-545-2600
Behavioral health services for Medicaid recipients Behavioral Health Special Initiative (BHSI) 215-546-1200
Substance use services for those under and uninsured Council on Compulsive Gambling 800-848-1880
Philadelphia Recovery Community Center 215-223-7700
Supportive services in a community-based setting

More Services
Mental Health First Aid Training 215-790-4996
City information, services, and updates, Philly311 311

24-Hour Services

For immediate help, call 215-685-6440 or visit a crisis response center in your area:

Friends Hospital
4641 Roosevelt Blvd.

Hall Mercer
234 S. 8th St.

Children’s Crisis Response Center
3300 Henry Ave., Falls Center 2, Suite 3N

Einstein Medical Center
5501 Old York Rd.

Episcopal Hospital
100 E. Lehigh Ave.

NET Centers (Substance Use Treatment)
1007 W. Lehigh Ave.

Community Behavioral Health

Philadelphia’s comprehensive behavioral health managed care system for Medicaid recipients. CBH is a diverse and innovative organization that supports wellness, resiliency, and recovery for all Philadelphians.

Learn more about CBH at

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