Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group [ Online / By Phone ] – Palumbo Rec

The Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group is a group to help loss survivors cope, connect, and work toward healing. Trained group facilitators are suicide loss survivors who know firsthand how difficult it can be to find your way after losing someone to suicide. The group is open to anyone 18 years or older who is grieving a loss due to suicide. The group is free, confidential, and meets the second Wednesday of each month. For more information, please contact COVID19 Update: We want to prioritize your health and [...]

2023-07-13T08:38:40-04:00July 13th, 2023||

Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group [ Online / By Phone ] – DBHIDS

The Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group is a group to help loss survivors cope, connect, and work toward healing. Trained group facilitators are suicide loss survivors who know firsthand how difficult it can be to find your way after losing someone to suicide. The group is open to anyone 18 years or older who is grieving a loss due to suicide. The group is free, confidential, and meets the second Wednesday of each month. For more information, please contact COVID19 Update: We want to prioritize your health and [...]

2023-07-13T08:35:05-04:00July 13th, 2023||

Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group [ Online / By Phone ] – Methodist Hospital

The Survivors of Suicide Loss Support Group seeks to help loss survivors cope, connect, and work toward healing. Trained group facilitators are suicide loss survivors who know firsthand how difficult it can be to find your way after losing someone to suicide. The group is open to anyone 18 years or older who is grieving a loss due to suicide. The group is free and confidential. For more information, please contact COVID19 Update: We want to prioritize your health and safety while still offering our support in your grief. [...]

2023-07-13T08:31:46-04:00July 13th, 2023||

How to Talk to a Suicide Loss Survivor

Talking to someone who has lost a loved one to suicide is challenging to say the least. It presents challenges beyond the discomfort we commonly feel in the presence of grief. Despite our hearts being in the right place, the eagerness to comfort someone may mistakenly cause us to say something hurtful. The fear of compounding the loss survivor’s pain by saying the wrong thing may cause us to avoid those who are grieving. Let them know about the Suicide Loss Support Groups that happen throughout the month in our [...]

2024-02-21T10:25:12-05:00September 10th, 2019|Awareness, Depression, Suicide Prevention, Support|
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