Safety in the Community Workshop

Join PA Family Network Advisors as we plan and problem solve for the safety of your loved one with intellectual disabilities and/or autism by: • sharing practical skills and strategies for safety at home, work, and in the community; • identifying possible ways to apply LifeCourse Framework and Tools in useful, flexible, and simple ways; • supporting each other by discussing steps toward a vision for remaining safe within our community while living a meaningful and good life.

2023-07-18T09:48:57-04:00July 18th, 2023|, , |

A Face of Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Awareness Month happens in October, but every day of the year several thousands of people are experiencing harm in their relationships. Normally when people hear of domestic violence stories they think of a woman, scarred and bruised from being battered by a man. The image of a woman’s swollen face with a black eye and bloody lip is probably the first visual that forms in most minds when they imagine someone who has experienced domestic violence.

2021-07-31T13:04:46-04:00August 8th, 2017|Awareness, Domestic Violence, Lived Experience, Self-Help|
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