Lunch and Learn with Exceptional Tours

Join Telisha Feamster from Exceptional Tours, LLC to learn about this organization’s accessible vacations. “Exceptional Tours is a travel companion service supporting people with intellectual and developmental disAbilties in the community and beyond. What sets us apart is our unmatched ability to make each vacation and activity experience unique to our Travelers.”

2023-07-18T09:42:27-04:00July 18th, 2023|, |

Impact of Gardening on Mental Health

Get your hands dirty to feel better! Gardening engages you physically, mentally, and socially. Health benefits are numerous and you don’t need to live in the suburbs or the country to experience gardening and its benefits.  Gardening can positively impact a number of health outcomes, including: Reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety Decrease in reported stress and mood disturbances Decrease in BMI Higher reported sense of community Increased physical activity Improved cognitive function Gardening has both immediate and long-term effects on health. For individuals with mental health conditions, horticultural therapy [...]

2024-04-18T11:12:44-04:00April 24th, 2019|Anxiety, Community, Depression, Mental Health, Stress|
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