Long Term Planning

Join the PA Family Network to plan and problem solve if/when we cannot support our loved one with intellectual disabilities and/or autism • Connect and network with other families • Get information and strategies on handling Long Term Planning • Discuss and receive guidance on how to identify and share what is most important to our loved ones to live a meaningful and good life (NOT LEGAL OR FINANCIAL ADVICE)

2023-07-18T09:04:09-04:00July 18th, 2023|, |

In Our Own Words: An Adult Autism Panel

The Center for Autism, in collaboration with Turning Points for Children, will be hosting a virtual Parent Café during Autism Acceptance/Awareness month. Participants will have the opportunity to hear from a panel of adults with autism and ask questions regarding their experiences and thoughts on neurodiversity. Center for Autism will be providing Behavioral health screenings.

2023-07-18T08:29:08-04:00July 18th, 2023|, , |

The World of Autism: Diagnosis Reveal

I remember it like it was an old sore and someone snatches off the scab! Thoughts of that day still pain me like it just happened. My gut was screaming. Something was not right despite my pediatrician saying everything will be ok – boys are slower than girls and he’ll talk when he’s ready. I thought: Who am I to question what I was being told? I mean; he is the doctor.  I couldn’t sleep the night before the diagnosis reveal. My brain was in overdrive. I felt relieved because [...]

2023-04-04T15:23:47-04:00April 1st, 2022|Autism, Intellectual disAbility|

Autism Spectrum Disorder: Demystifying the Myth

Growing up in Nigeria, a sub- Sahara Africa country, I grew up with different myths and ideas of what a disability is and how people with disabilities should be treated.  I knew they should not be isolated, segregated and not allowed to participate in normal life events. Children with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, live a traumatic life because Nigerian society does not believe in intellectual disabilities that do not manifest physically, such a person who lives with Down syndrome or cerebral palsy.  Parents face stigma on an everyday basis if [...]

2023-04-04T15:23:57-04:00August 27th, 2018|Autism, Awareness, Intellectual disAbility|
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