Working takes up, at a minimum, one-third of our life, and half of our waking hours. Naturally, workplaces have a significant impact on their employees’ mental health and well-being. Whether you work remotely or in-person, full-time or part-time, it is important to pay attention to wellness in the workplace. 

Warning Signs of Poor Workplace Wellness

  • Experiencing ongoing feelings of helplessness/hopelessness
  • Chronic exhaustion and fatigue
  • Identity becomes centered around work (e.g. this work will not continue without my presence)
  • Difficulty concentrating or focusing on tasks
  • Daily avoidance of tasks – can occur at work or outside of work
  • Inability to empathize with others
  • Increased anger or cynicism, conflict with others
  • Development of self-medicating or addictive behaviors.

What can employers do?

Workplaces themselves have a role in preventing secondary traumatic stress and promoting employee wellness. An employer that strives to improve workplace culture offers meaningful benefits, commits to mental wellness from the top-down, and encourages safe, supportive culture that impacts the organization’s financial, emotional, and social health. Investing in your employees’ mental health improves employee productivity and creates better business outcomes.

  • Create a culture of support
  • Integrate Wellness efforts into the workplace
  • Offer benefits that matter
  • Care beyond compliance

What can you do to help yourself?

If you are noticing the above signs in yourself or a co-worker, there are steps you can take to get your wellness on track!

  • Talk to someone you trust
  • Ask for support
  • Take time off
  • Take a screening to explore your own mental health
  • Breathing exercises {link to breathing blog}
  • Am I depressed or burnt out? {link to “Am I depressed or burned out” page}
  • Free yoga classes online
  • Talk to your doctor/get a medical professional’s opinion

The overall health and wellbeing of employees does not only contribute to increased medical costs, but also to employee productivity, happiness, stress levels, and company morale.

Explore additional resources in the Take Care PHL database