Wendy Williams, MSW
Public Awareness and ChildFind Coordinator

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: Indeed it’s the only thing that ever has” said Margaret Mead, an American Cultural Anthropologist. This quote contains such truth and reflects the mission of an upcoming DBHIDS event called, My City, My Place Bright Future Awards on March 13th in Philadelphia. This one of a kind event acknowledges “that small group of thoughtful, committed citizens” who make this world a better place

In celebration of March being Intellectual Disability Awareness Month, the 23rd Annual My City, My Place Brighter Futures Awards ceremony celebrates the accomplishments of those who have committed their lives to supporting people with an intellectual disability but are not necessarily in a paid position to do so.

By nominating models of excellence, compassion, commitment, growth and achievement, we highlight the commitment of those individuals from all walks of life including but not limited to neighbors, people with disabilities, teachers, friends, family, employers, co-workers, spiritual leaders, civic groups/organizations, self-advocates, medical professionals, business men and women who are not employed by various agencies who have supporting people with intellectual disabilities. All nominees will be recognized but there will only be one winner in each category. The categories represent the Eight Dimensions of Wellness:  Emotional, Financial, Social, Spiritual, Occupational, Physical, Intellectual and Environmental.

The winners of the awards exemplify the mission of Intellectual disAbility Services (IDS): choice in everyday lives, meaningful personal relationships with friends, family and neighbors, presence and participation in community and dignity and respect as valued citizens in Philadelphia. The day-long event celebrates and acknowledges all nominees of the Annual Brighter Futures Awards and will feature Expanding Wellness in Our Community Expo, Panel Presentation, Break-Out Sessions and the Annual Awards Luncheon.

So, come out and join us on Friday, March 13, 2015 at the Sheraton Philadelphia Downtown Hotel to acknowledge individuals who exemplify our Motto — “It’s All About Community!”

For more information about this year’s event, click here.

–Contributed by Wendy Williams, MSW, Public Awareness and ChildFind Coordinator, Intellectual disAbility Services in collaboration with Liz Brown, Vision for Equality, Inc. Member of The Philadelphia Intellectual disAbility Services Public Awareness Committee.