Where is Narcan over the counter?

There is a standing order for naloxone written for the general public. Although naloxone is a prescription medication, Pennsylvania has passed laws making it available as a standing order, which allows pharmacists to dispense naloxone without requiring an individual prescription. Naloxone prescriptions can be filled at most pharmacies. Although the medication may not be available for same day pickup, it can often be ordered and available within a day or two. When you arrive at the pharmacy, be sure to: Have insurance card ready. Bring an ID. Ask whether the pharmacy [...]

2023-01-30T23:10:28-05:00January 30th, 2023||

Are Narcan kits free?

If you are uninsured, Prevention Point Philadelphia offers naloxone based on ability to pay. For those with insurance, ask the pharmacist for the cost of the copay before the order is filled. While certain brands incur a copay, other brands may be free.  

2023-01-30T23:00:45-05:00January 30th, 2023||

Narcan or CPR first?

Administer naloxone before starting CPR. If the individual does not respond after approximately 2-3 minutes, administer a second dose of naloxone. Support the individual’s breathing by providing ventilatory support or rescue breathing and chest compressions, if needed.

2023-01-30T22:53:48-05:00January 30th, 2023||
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