If you or someone you know needs support, contact the Philadelphia Domestic Violence Hotline at 866-723-3014 (24/7/365). Call 911 in an emergency.

Domestic violence supports are more important than ever. Because of COVID-19, home is more than home. Home is work, school, daycare, and more – all in one place.

For domestic violence survivors, this isolation can be more than boring; it may be harmful. Isolation from friends and family is a common tactic used by abusive partners. They may also control cell phone usage, track internet searches, and listen in to phone calls. That is why safe and supportive contact with others is so important for survivors.

We know that limiting contact with others lowers the spread of COVID-19. But without seeing friends and family in person, survivors may not have the support systems they need in order to reach out for help.

So, aside from calling the hotline, how can you help while we weather the pandemic?

  • Check on your people: Ask your friends and loved ones if they are ok.
  • After you ask, stay quiet. Give your loved one time to talk.
  • If you are worried about certain friends, ask them what mode of communication is safest for them. Let them know how to reach you if they ever need help.
  • Instead of telling them what to do, ask what they need.
  • Let them know about domestic violence resources available in Philadelphia.

Post by Alexandra Lenihan, Office for Domestic Violence Strategies