Signs of Corporate Burnout & What You Can Do

Working takes up, at a minimum, one-third of our life, and half of our waking hours. Naturally, workplaces have a significant impact on their employees’ mental health and well-being. Whether you work remotely or in-person, full-time or part-time, it is important to pay attention to wellness in the workplace.  Warning Signs of Poor Workplace Wellness Experiencing ongoing feelings of helplessness/hopelessness Chronic exhaustion and fatigue Identity becomes centered around work (e.g. this work will not continue without my presence) Difficulty concentrating or focusing on tasks Daily avoidance of tasks – can occur at work [...]

2022-06-06T22:55:45-04:00June 27th, 2022|Mental Health, Stress, Workplace Mental Health|

15 Ways to Continue Supporting the Mental Health of Remote & On-site Teams

Almost overnight, remote work transformed from a niche benefit to the norm for millions of employees. And looking out for the mental well being of your workforce – both remote and in the office – is now more critical than ever. As many states and cities begin the 'yellow phase' of returning to work, there are still many people who will be working remotely for quite some time and will need support and guidance from their organizations and managers. COVID-19 has impacted remote and on-site teams in all sorts of [...]

2020-06-17T16:21:00-04:00June 17th, 2020|Pandemic, Workplace Mental Health|

How Employers Can Support Their Employees

In the workplace, chronic stress affects everything from quality of work to productivity and engagement. According to a study by Farleigh Dickenson University, sixty percent of lost workdays each year can be attributed to stress. In fact, according to the Global Benefits Attitude Survey, highly stressed employees take almost twice as many sick days a year as their counterparts who report low stress levels. This absenteeism impacts productivity, and ironically, can create more stress as the stressed employee falls further behind in workload. Beyond absenteeism, the same survey found that [...]

2021-01-04T21:22:41-05:00March 6th, 2020|Stress, Workplace Mental Health|

Managing Stress at Work

Employee stress is a growing concern for businesses today. According to the American Institute of Stress, stress in the workplace can lead to:  Mistakes and lack of concentration  Decreased productivity, especially with absenteeism and “presenteeism”  Disengagement and turnover  Inflammation and chronic disease There is a lot that business owners and managers can do to help address stress in the workplace, but don’t wait for your employer to tackle it. Take your mental health into your own hands.  Vacation First, take your vacation! According to the Center for Economic and Policy [...]

2020-01-28T02:10:33-05:00January 28th, 2020|Stress, Workplace Mental Health|
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