Are You Protected & Prepared?

Every day we hear more and more about the importance of using different types of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and demonstrating behaviors that help protect us from COVID-19.  During these unprecedented and most uncertain times that we are living in, we are told to cover our mouths and noses with face masks or shields, wash our hands often, use hand sanitizer, and comply with social distancing protocols to keep 6 feet apart to maintain our health as well as to protect the health of others. However, there is another tool [...]

2021-03-16T16:00:28-04:00August 18th, 2020|Training|

Certified Peer Specialist Training- Now Accepting Applications!

Do you know someone who has a lived mental health experience and would be an excellent candidate for the Certified Peer Specialist (CPS) profession? For the latest application window for the Certified Peer Specialist Training Program, check this page. In addition, all applicants must attend a Story-Telling training in order to apply for the CPS training. See our calendar for upcoming training dates. Story Telling Training is a FREE resilience and recovery-oriented training recognizing that the stories of individuals, their recovery processes and the experiences of their family members are [...]

2021-01-04T21:11:41-05:00March 29th, 2019|Training|

How My Brother’s Mental Illness Affected Me

By Jeff Shair, Mental Health Advocate My brother Paul was diagnosed with schizophrenia, like myself. Yet because Paul was 10 years older than me, the illness was viewed quite differently when his symptoms first appeared. That was back in the early 1960’s. In those days, some psychiatrists believed that the disease was caused by the individual having a weak will. For instance, when my parents took me to Paul’s psychiatrist at 9-years-old, a time during which I was struggling emotionally, they asked the doctor in front of me “Will Jeff [...]

2021-07-31T13:04:09-04:00November 15th, 2017|Lived Experience, Mental Health, Training|
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