Hope, Help & Healing: Gambling and Suicide Prevention

Philadelphia is a city known for our sports teams and fans, who are the most knowledgeable and passionate. As an avid Eagles fan, I've noticed that every commercial break has sports betting advertisements for companies like FanDuel or Draftkings. Even sports analysts are promoting the apps and promising risk-free betting. We know that there is no such thing as risk-free betting. Not everyone who gambles develops a problem, but with the increased access (more casinos, online gambling, and sports betting) and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a [...]

2022-09-17T15:05:51-04:00September 26th, 2022|Addiction & Recovery, Suicide Prevention|

Suicidal Ideation: A First-Person Account

I’m going to try my best to talk about my suicidal ideation and depression. Honestly, I still don’t completely understand how to explain. Let me start by telling you what I call my depressive and suicidal moods/episodes: “Moments.” I started calling them moments because it helps me remember that the way I’m feeling will pass soon. Even though I can’t understand myself during those moments, I can get through and overcome them. The word helps me build resiliency within myself.  These moments feel like heavy storm clouds surrounding my head. [...]

2022-08-22T20:52:13-04:00September 19th, 2022|Lived Experience, Suicide Prevention|

Suicide Prevention Month: Know the Resources

If you or a member of your family had a mental health emergency, do you know what to do? Do you know where your local crisis center is? Do you know who to call if you see someone in crisis? Do you know how to support a family member who tells you they are thinking about ending their life? Can you read the signs that someone needs support even if they don’t tell you? In 2020, 21 percent of all Americans had any mental illness, but in the same year [...]

2022-09-13T12:03:46-04:00September 13th, 2022|Suicide Prevention|

No Feeling Is Final

Imagine you are at your doctor’s office. The nurse takes you back to see the doctor – what do they do next?  “Let me get your temperature, blood pressure, check your height and weight.” A process we are all used to: checking vital signs  Imagine you’re a client of mine now (I’m a psychotherapist, or simply, a therapist). You come into my office. I’ll check your mental health vital signs: How are you sleeping? How's your appetite? Your mood? Are you having fun? Are you hanging out with people?  So [...]

2022-08-22T20:45:40-04:00September 12th, 2022|Anxiety, Depression, Mental Health, Stress, Suicide Prevention|
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