Post-Traumatic Stress Can Impact Anyone – and It Can Be Treated

Post-traumatic stress disorder  (PTSD) can affect anyone at any age. Millions of Americans get PTSD every year. Many war veterans have had PTSD, but did you know women tend to get PTSD more often than men? No matter the cause, PTSD can be treated. You can feel better.  What is PTSD?  Post traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD, is a real illness. You can get PTSD after living through or seeing a dangerous event, such as war, a hurricane, a violent event, or a bad accident. PTSD makes you feel stressed [...]

2022-05-23T12:43:23-04:00June 20th, 2022|Awareness, Mental Health|

Kids Will Play. Put It Away!

Kids will play, put it away! Children are vulnerable to serious illness or death if they accidentally find and ingest medicine or drugs. When drugs and other substances are in the home, they present a risk to children. This is true of over the counter, legally prescribed, and illegal substances. Opioids can be especially dangerous and should stay in their original packaging. When you have substances in your home, follow these tips to keep your young ones safe: Store drugs and medicine out of reach and out of sight of [...]

2022-04-12T10:42:46-04:00April 12th, 2022|Awareness, Community|

MLK Day: Personal Memories of the First Day of Service

By Iris Lozada In 1994, the Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service was launched thanks largely to U.S. Sen. Harris Wofford Jr. of Pennsylvania and U.S. Rep. John Lewis of Georgia. Wofford was an attorney and civil rights activist. He was a Democratic politician who represented Pennsylvania in the U.S. Senate from 1991 to 1995. He also was a special assistant to President John F. Kennedy and an adviser to Martin Luther King Jr. during the decade of struggle from Montgomery to Memphis. His “passion for getting people involved [...]

2022-01-03T13:22:35-05:00January 10th, 2022|Awareness, Community|

NDSD: A Yearly Event with a Daily Calling

Imagine a world where we can “call in sick” because our depression is worsening or because anxiety is peaking to a point of emotional and physical paralysis. A world where we can fearlessly acknowledge our mental health challenges and receive support rather than skepticism or judgment. In our society, we are afforded sick days to treat varying physical health conditions, but it is “invisible” pains that create hesitance. Mental health stigma promotes a falsehood that proof is needed to justify anguish. This year more than ever is important for centering [...]

2021-10-14T13:18:43-04:00October 7th, 2021|Awareness, Depression|
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