Sexual Assault Awareness and Male Survivors

Sexual violence can impact anyone, no matter their gender identity or sexual orientation. Some people assume sexual assault is an issue faced only by girls and women, but sexual assault also impacts one in six boys and men. “Traditional masculinity can create barriers to accessing care both internally and externally,” says Joey Brodsky, the Healthy Masculinity Coordinator at WOAR: Philadelphia Center Against Sexual Violence. “Broadening our idea of survivorship to include all genders is essential to breaking cycles of harm that lead to continued violence in our homes and [...]

2023-04-11T15:31:39-04:00April 11th, 2023|Awareness|

Rethinking Disability Awareness

March is disAbility Awareness Month, a time we dedicate to recognizing and understanding different abilities and needs. Everyone is different, but one of the biggest issues faced by people with disabilities is how to be seen as the unique person they are outside of their differences.   Too often people are seen as a disability rather than a person. For many, the disabling condition inadvertently becomes how people are labeled. Even the most well-meaning person can be guilty of this, such as referencing a colleague as, “You know Josiah, the blind [...]

2023-02-22T16:09:05-05:00March 1st, 2023|Awareness, Intellectual disAbility|

Technology and Teen Dating Abuse: Do’s and Don’ts

Learning about healthy relationships happens at every age, but often accelerates in teen years. For many teens, technology features heavily in first crushes and relationships. For Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month this February, take a few minutes to learn some do’s and don’ts of how to support safe, healthy relationships in-person and online. Do’s and Don’ts of Increasing Online Safety and Privacy Since most teens have a smartphone or spend large amounts of their time online, technology naturally becomes a large part of how they interact with friends and romantic partners. [...]

2023-02-13T14:50:00-05:00February 17th, 2023|Awareness, Domestic Violence, Family & Youth|

SAD: It’s More Common Than You Think

Have you experienced changes in appetite, trouble sleeping, low energy, and difficulty concentrating? How about feeling sad or not like your usual self? Do you notice feeling a bit down as the fall/winter arrives and days get shorter? If so, you may be experiencing seasonal affective disorder (also know as “the winter blues”). and it’s more common than you may think. What is SAD? SAD, or seasonal affective disorder, is a form of seasonal depression most apparent by changes in your mood and behavior when the seasons change. For most [...]

2022-11-07T09:56:14-05:00November 7th, 2022|Awareness, Depression, Mental Health|
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