About Janine Monico

Janine Monico is a digital marketing consultant who has managed the Healthy Minds Philly initiative website since 2015.

People Can Pull Us Through It: Secondary Traumatic Stress

Overheard at a party: What do you do for a living? Oh, social work? That’s so hard.” Conversation ends. The stories social workers (and other caregivers) have can be buzzkills at parties. Our work is tough, and most folks don’t want to hear about it. This isn’t to paint us all as saints. We knew it was tough when we chose our line of work. But it can be very lonely to sit with our experiences, especially when you get secondary traumatic stress (STS). STS is the Post Traumatic Stress [...]

2023-04-18T12:05:59-04:00May 1st, 2023|Mental Health, Stress, Trauma|

Beleaf it or not: Plants make you happy! The effects of nature on mental health

Have you noticed a difference in your energy and mood after interacting with nature? How about going for a walk through your favorite park or smelling your favorite flower? Do you leave feeling more relaxed? Calm? Have a smile on your face? If you tried any of those activities and noticed a positive and uplifting shift in your energy and mood, your mental health likely was positively impacted by nature.  Nature and mental health are more closely connected than you may think. Did you know spending time in nature outdoors [...]

2023-04-30T09:41:17-04:00May 1st, 2023|Mental Health, Self-Help, Stress|

Sexual Assault Awareness and Male Survivors

Sexual violence can impact anyone, no matter their gender identity or sexual orientation. Some people assume sexual assault is an issue faced only by girls and women, but sexual assault also impacts one in six boys and men. “Traditional masculinity can create barriers to accessing care both internally and externally,” says Joey Brodsky, the Healthy Masculinity Coordinator at WOAR: Philadelphia Center Against Sexual Violence. “Broadening our idea of survivorship to include all genders is essential to breaking cycles of harm that lead to continued violence in our homes and [...]

2023-04-11T15:31:39-04:00April 11th, 2023|Awareness|

The Importance of Autism Screening in Adulthood

Many of us have watched “Love on the Spectrum,” the Netflix show characterizing the dating journeys of autistic adults. The show was so popular and insightful, it encouraged many to wonder if the challenges they face in their own lives could be due to neurodivergence. But the question loomed: How would one even begin to find out and, if they are diagnosed, what would the next step be?  Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a complex disorder characterized by differences in communication, social functioning, and behavior.  Screening for ASD can help [...]

2023-04-05T13:37:08-04:00April 4th, 2023|Autism|
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