About Janine Monico

Janine Monico is a digital marketing consultant who has managed the Healthy Minds Philly initiative website since 2015.

Celebrating the Spectrum!

Carly Banes, MSW
Person First Community Based Services Coordinator
Community-Based Services Development Unit, DBHIDS

“I am so glad to see these conversations are happening amongst behavioral health providers.” 

2021-01-02T19:44:58-05:00November 4th, 2015|LGBTQIA|

National Depression Screening Day 2015

Dana Careless
Manager for Health Promotion

Picture Citizens Bank Park Stadium.  Look around at all of the seats, row after row, filled with over 40,000 spectators.  Now, I want you to picture dividing the stadium into four equal parts, each part containing over 10,000 individuals.  Statistically speaking, that entire group of people is living with a diagnosable mental health challenge.

2021-01-02T20:14:10-05:00October 6th, 2015|Community, Mental Health|

Active Commuting: A Route to Physical and Mental Wellbeing

Dana Careless
Clinical Operations Manager for Health Promotion

Nur Atiqa Asri
Project Analyst
Center for Active Design

"Walk it off." How many times have you heard someone say that to a person who needs to blow off some steam? We have heard that getting some fresh air and exercising can be a great way to relieve stress.  But are our cities designed to encourage this? And if they're not, what does this mean about our stress levels and emotional well-being?

Nur Atiqa Asri, from the Center for Active Design, tackles this head on as she explores what it means to "actively commute" to work and how this shift can dramatically improve our physical and mental well-being. Check out her blog contribution below:

2021-01-02T20:14:28-05:00September 30th, 2015|Mental Health, Self-Help|

The Power of Joining Together:  Recovery Walks! & #UNITE

Andrea Brooks
Manager of Provider Development and Transformation Initiatives

Brooke Feldman
Project Coordinator

When former DBHIDS team member, Brooke Feldman, passed the torch as lead captain of Team DBHIDS for PRO-ACT’s Recovery Walks! to Manager of Provider Development and Transformation Initiatives, Andrea Brooks in 2014, it signified the beginning of a partnership between two champions of recovery. 

2021-01-04T21:51:05-05:00September 18th, 2015|Addiction & Recovery|
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